kebijakan banyak pintu bahasa Inggris
- kebijakan: foreigh; policy; priciple; recruitmen;
- banyak: a great deal of; a lot; a lot of; a multitude of;
- pintu: door; doors; gatepost; hatch; porthole; opening;
- kebijakan pintu satu: single-gateway policy
- kebijakan pintu terbuka: open door policy
- kebijakan: foreigh; policy; priciple; recruitmen; discernment; ingenuity; wittiness; brainpower; humour; ingeniousness; cleverness; mentality; china syndrome; brain; brilliance; see; discretion; genius; learni
- pintu: door; doors; gatepost; hatch; porthole; opening; flap; threshold; railing; grid; room access; gate; port; window; oral cavity; portal; yett; gateway; mouth; orifice; embrasure; doorway
- banyak: a great deal of; a lot; a lot of; a multitude of; a pack of; abound; abundance; abundant; bags of; great deal; many; much; nose a few; numerous; plentiful; plenty; so many of; so much; substantial;
- banyak-banyak: handsomely; liberally
- kebijakan-kebijakan dasar: basic policies
- kebijakan-kebijakan tenaga kerja: manpower policies
- kebijakan-kebijakan tertulis: written policies
- kebijakan-kebijakan yang diminta: appealed policies
- dari pintu ke pintu: go from door to door; portal to portal
- pintu masuk/pintu rahasia: wicket
Kata lain
- "kebijakan anti-kristen di dalam kekaisaran romawi" terjemahan Inggris
- "kebijakan arktik tiongkok" terjemahan Inggris
- "kebijakan atau strategi" terjemahan Inggris